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Gasohol Tax Rates By State
State / Local Tax Type Tax Rate Tax Basis Fee Notes Last Updated
Alabama  Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Alaska  Gasohol  $0.08

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Refined Fuel Surcharge


Per Gallon   Taxed on refined fuel sold, transferred or used in Alaska 07/17/24
Arizona  Gasohol 


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Arkansas Gasohol $0.247

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Environment Assurance Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
California  Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Colorado  Gasohol 


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Environmental Response Change


Per Gallon   This fee is charged on gasoline and special fuel, including dyed fuel, but is not charged on CNG, LNG, or LPG. 07/17/24
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Fee (PFAS) Charge


Per Gallon   This fee is charged on gasoline and special fuel including dyed fuel, but is not charged on Aviation Jet Fuel, Aviation Gasoline, CNG, LNG, or LPG. 07/17/24
Road Usage Fee


Per Gallon   This fee is charged on the gasoline and special fuel, but is not charged on Aviation Jet Fuel, Aviation Gasoline, CNG, LNG, and LPG. 07/17/24
Connecticut Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Delaware Gasohol


Per Gallon  No   07/17/24
District of Columbia  Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Florida Gasohol $0.04

Per Gallon

Yes Total rate is $0.36525. This comes from adding together the excise tax ($0.04), sales tax ($0.170), ninth cent ($0.00), inspection fee ($0.00125), local option tax ($0.06), and the SCETS($0.094). 07/17/24
Statewide Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Georgia Gasohol 


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Hawaii Gasohol 


Per Gallon  No   07/17/24
Idaho Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Illinois Gasohol


Per Gallon Yes   07/17/24
Underground Storage Tank Tax


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Environmental Impact Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Indiana  Gasohol 


Per Gallon  No   07/17/24
Iowa Gasohol 


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Kansas Gasohol


Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Environmental Assurance Fees


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Kentucky Gasohol 


Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Environmental Assurance Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Highway User Motor Fuel Tax


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Louisiana Gasohol $0.20

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Maine Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Maryland Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Massachusetts Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Michigan  Gasohol 


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Minnesota Gasohol


Per Gallon Yes   07/17/24
Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24

Cleanup Fee

$0.02 Per Gallon   Months/Filing Periods: May, June, July, August 07/17/24
Mississippi Gasohol  $0.18

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Environmental Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Missouri Gasohol $0.27

Per Gallon


Agriculture Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Transport Load Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Montana Gasohol $0.33

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Storage Cleanup Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Nebraska  Gasohol  $0.296

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Release Remedial Action Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Nevada Gasohol $0.23

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Cleanup Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
New Hampshire  Gasohol


Per Gallon  Yes   07/17/24
Oil Discharge and Disposal Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Oil Discharge or Spillage in Surfacewater or Groundwater Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
New Jersey Gasohol 


Per Gallon  No   07/17/24
New Mexico Gasohol $0.17

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Products Loading Fee


Per 8000 Gallons     07/17/24
New York Gasohol $0.173

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Testing Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
North Carolina Gasohol $0.404

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
North Dakota Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Ohio Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Oklahoma Gasohol $0.19

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Assessment Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Oregon Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Pennsylvania Gasohol


Per Gallon Yes   07/17/24
Underground Storage Tank Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Rhode Island Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
South Carolina  Gasohol  $0.28

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Environmental Impact Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
South Dakota Gasohol $0.28

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Tank Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Tennessee Gasohol $0.26

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Environmental Assurance Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Special Tax


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Texas Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Utah Gasohol


Per Gallon Yes   07/17/24
Environmental Assurance Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Vermont Gasohol


Per Gallon Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Distributor License Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Virginia  Gasohol $0.308

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Storage Tank Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Washington Gasohol (Combined Rate)  $0.678

Per Gallon

Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Products Tax


Per Gallon     07/17/24
West Virginia Gasohol (Combined Rate)


Per Gallon No   07/17/24
Wisconsin Gasohol


Per Gallon Yes   07/17/24
Petroleum Inspection Fee


Per Gallon     07/17/24
Wyoming Gasohol


Per Gallon No   07/17/24


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